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Tier 1 Genaral: Dependant

This section explains how your family members can apply to stay in or come to the United Kingdom if you are applying under the highly skilled worker category (Tier 1 General) of the points-based system to work in the United Kingdom.
If your application to the points-based system is successful, you are allowed to bring dependants (children under 18 years of age, or your husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner) with you to the United Kingdom, as long as we give them entry clearance or permission to stay (known as 'leave to remain').

Completing the dependant application form
If you have dependants who wish to join or remain with you in United Kingdom, you or they should complete the separate dependant application form.
We encourage you to send dependant applications at the same time as the main application.
Dependants should state if they are submitting their application at the same time as your application. This tells us that both applications should be considered together.

If you are the main applicant and you have already received official notification from us that your application has been successful, this should also be indicated in this section.
Dependants should also state the category under which you have submitted an application.

Chek out the application form in UK VISA : Application Forms section

What maintenance dependants must have
To qualify for leave to remain (permission to stay) as a dependant of a highly skilled worker, your dependant must show that he/she has enough personal funds to support himself/herself for the entire period of stay here.
You and your dependants should have already assessed the potential living costs, based on past living expenses, to ensure that you have enough funds to support yourselves.You will not be successful in your application if you or your dependants are unable to meet the maintenance requirements.

If the main applicant under the highly skilled worker category is outside the United Kingdom or has been in the United Kingdom for less than 12 months, the family member must show that the main applicant or the dependant has at least £1,600 to support the dependant as well as the funds needed to support the main applicant.

If the main applicant has been present in the United Kingdom for 12 months or more, the main applicant or the family member of the highly skilled worker must have £533 to support himself/herself.

COST : If you are inside the UK
The fees you must pay - applying by post
Dependant applications for your spouse, partner or children under 18 cost £50 per dependant if they are sent together with your own form. Dependant applications for children over 18, or any dependant applications sent separately or later, cost £465.

The fee you must pay - applying in person
Dependant applications for your spouse, partner or children under 18 cost £50 per dependant if they are made at the same time as your own application. Dependant applications for children over 18, or any dependant applications made separately or later, cost £665.

COST : If you are outside the UK
The fee your dependants must pay
Any dependant applications accompanying your application form must pay £675, payable in local currency.
If your dependants are applying under the transitional arrangements and you have an HSMP approval letter, your dependants must show a copy of the HSMP approval letter when making their application to confirm that they are entitled to the transitional fee.

For related information checkout the links below
Tier 1 General: Documents
Tier 1 General: Highly Skilled Worker
UK VISA: Complete procedure
UK VISA: Extension
UK VISA : Application fees
UK VISA : Application Forms
PBS: Tier 1

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